Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

You are my "BESTFRIEND" or "ENEMY" ??

hey , maybe I'm not a CLEVER PERSON like you ..  but I'm also not an IDIOT !! You got straight A+ in formative1 ..?? yeahh .. I don't care .. It just FORMATIVE 1 !! it's not PMR !! so , please shut up your mouth ! can you say hello or hi or anything else before you start talking ?? I don't need a RESPECT but its a MANNERS before you are talking ? *okeyh sucks english* I want to tell you that you are my best friend forever but now you seems like my ENEMY !! I don't know why .. maybe your attitude was change !! I know you HATE me now but ! for your information I DON'T MIND IT and I'LL NEVER CARE ABOU IT !! understood ??